2 for 1 Deal: Join The Self-Esteem Course and get The Smart Social Skills Course membership for free (value $37).
Stop Feeling Lousy About Yourself and Start Living a Life Where You Dare to Follow Your Dreams
Do you sometimes feel like you can’t ask for what you truly want or say no because you fear being rejected?
Did you ever have an opportunity that you didn’t go for because you didn’t feel like you could do it?
No matter how well you do things at work or in school do you still feel like you’re not good enough?
Do you see yourself as someone who couldn’t have - or don’t deserve - success in the most important areas of life like love, health or your career?
And do you feel like you haven't lived up to your potential yet and are quite often discouraged by what you've accomplished in life so far?
Well, being in such a place isn't uncommon.
I used to be there for many years.
And it was no fun.
I Was Stuck Between Low Self-Esteem and Daydreams About How My Life Could Be…
Let me tell you a little bit about my story. I think it’s a pretty common one.
I didn’t have atrociously bad self-esteem but I was down on myself quite a lot during my teens and early twenties.
I didn’t feel like I deserved all that much.
So I held myself back from the success I wanted. I self-sabotaged (often before I had hardly begun). In love, with my health and with going for the opportunities and dreams I had.
This went on for too many years. Until one day when I had enough of feeling like this about myself. And of always just standing still and stuck in daydreams about what could be.
Something just had to change.
So I went to work to figure out how I could raise my own self-esteem.
I wanted to figure out the practical steps I could take. The habits and routines of people with high self-esteem and the best strategies and exercises that I could use to take me there.
I wanted what actually worked in reality and in the long-term (so I wouldn’t be right back where I started a few weeks or months later).
Now, it took me several years to do that.
But in the end I created my own mental toolbox for feeling good about myself and to keep my self-esteem up and keep going for what I deep down want.
Even in the face of setbacks, rejection or negativity from other people.
And without this inner change I would most likely not had:
- Dared to believe in myself and my own business idea. And so I went from working on a small hobby experiment called The Positivity Blog – back when no-one even knew what a blog was or that you could make a living online – a few nights a week to shaping it into the solid full-time business that it is today.
- Lost 26 pounds and gotten in shape. I wanted to feel better. So I ate more. And gained plenty of weight. With better self-esteem I finally started to question this. I felt that I deserved more and needed to treat myself better. So during 4 months I lost 26 pounds and got into way better shape. A shape I still maintain to this day.
- Met my wonderful wife. I simply didn’t date for several years in my twenties. Not until I started to improve my self-esteem and I started to feel more deserving. That lead to many dates and finally to one cold and dark winter evening when I met my wife. And I honestly think that if I hadn’t done this inner work then I wouldn't have had a chance with such a great woman. Or not self-sabotaged my way out of it along our so far 7 year long journey together.
Introducing The Self-Esteem Course
The Self-Esteem Course is a digital and downloadable 12-week course.
It will give you the same exact tools, exercises and strategies that helped me to finally change my self-esteem and life.
Many of the strategies and exercises in this course are things I’ve never even mentioned on The Positivity Blog or in the Positivity Newsletter before.
Here's what you'll get each week:
- The written guide. This guide includes a section with just a few easy-to-follow action-steps to take that week. This is to make sure that things stay practical and that you move forward and make progress (even if it may sometimes be by just taking one or a few small steps).
- The audio version of the written guide. An audio session that you can listen to in your car, on the bus, while taking a walk or whenever you have the time (or need a boost during your day).
- A worksheet. You’ll also get a worksheet each week where I’ll share the powerful exercises that helped me to understand myself and my self-esteem better and that’ll help you to apply what you learn to your specific situation and life.
NOTE: You have two options when it comes to how you want the course delivered.
You can either get it in small, weekly parts via email. Or you can download the whole course today.
If you join you'll get an email with easy-to-follow instructions to access the course material in both of those ways.
"I joined Self-Esteem Course at a time of hardship and struggle.
I’d hit the biggest bump of my entire life and didn’t know how to get out of the rut, but slowly, by listening to the lessons and filling out the worksheets, I learned to talk back to my inner critic and find healthier ways to handle my feelings.
I’ve retained all the lessons from that difficult time and my life is far happier and richer for it."
- Sarah Moore, course participant.
Here’s What You’ll Learn...
So the Self-Esteem Course is a 12-week course. And it will help you to build your own mental self-esteem tool-box that you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life (no matter what happens).
Now, let me be more specific. The most important positive changes that this course will help you make are how to…
- Stay strong and resilient even through the tough days and rough times we all face from time to time.
- Handle the criticism and negativity people lash out at you in a a more understanding and levelheaded way.
- Uncover and reclaim your inner core of unchanging self-esteem.
- Stop dragging yourself down by comparing yourself and your life to other people and their lives.
- Become more assertive by using 3 simple rules for saying no (and what to do if someone gets pushy even after you’ve said no).
- Replace perfectionism with healthier and happier habits that will help you to get more done with less stress and anxiety.
- Deep down feel like you truly trust yourself to be able to handle life and making the important decisions.
- Handle mistakes and failure in a way that allows you to keep feeling good about yourself and to learn from what happened.
- Discover your factual strengths and weaknesses and a more balanced and nuanced perspective towards yourself and your world.
- Talk back to your own inner critic, stop it before it can damage you and your life even more and then replace it with healthier habits.
- Cultivate more compassion and understanding for yourself and for other people.
- Finally lay off and overcome your own most self-critical and most self-esteem damaging thought habits about how you look, think and how you want to live your life.
- Find your most important dreams and set up goals and effective strategies that will help you reach those dreams and fulfill your untapped inner potential.
- Stay on course while you work towards what you want and to not self-sabotage when you get it.
- Truly feel deserving of having and getting more good and great things in your life.
- Simply stop feeling lousy or negatively about yourself and start feeling good about yourself and happier on the inside.
- Let go of how you think you should be and embrace who you deep down are.
“I recognized I hadn't been good to myself for a long time. Through The Self-Esteem Course I gained clarity and perspective on why people react to me like they do and how I think of myself. And this was the start I needed to think differently.
Doing so has brought on lots of positive changes in my life.”
Saffeya H, course participant.
“Your course helped me to realize that I needed to be nicer to myself and that I needed to work on loving myself more and more each day. Because of you and a number of other people I was able to beat my anxiety and depression and feel good about myself.”
Garrett Lacy, course participant.
9 New Bonuses on Self-Confidence, Helping a Loved One with Self-Esteem and More…
I've created 9 new bonuses that you’ll also get free life-time access to if you join the course.
These extra bonuses are:
- Self-Confidence: 20 Habits and Strategies that Work in Real Life. In this big, 60-page bonus guide I’ll show you how to both to improve your self-confidence and keep it stable even when the winds are blowing hard and things feel scary and uncertain.
- How to Improve Your Self-Confidence Workbook. This 24-page workbook will help you to apply what you learn about self-confidence to your own situation and life.
- 9 Days to Start Moving Out of Negative Thinking Mini-Course. Do one thing, take one step forward each day for 9 days to start building more optimistic habits and a more positive life.
- How to Boost Your Self-Esteem in Today’s Digital World. In this guide you'll learn how not let today’s technology, the internet and social media push you and your self-esteem down.
- How to Boost Your Self-Esteem in Today’s Digital World - Audio Version. You also get the self-esteem bonus guide in mp3 format so you can listen to it anytime and anywhere.
- How to Help to Improve the Self-Esteem of the People You Love. When people have completed the Self-Esteem Course they’ve quite often asked me: How can I help to improve the self-esteem of someone close to me? I answer that question in this bonus guide.
- How to Help to Improve the Self-Esteem of the People You Love - Audio Version. The audio version of the self-esteem bonus guide that you can listen to when you need a reminder or motivation to help someone in your life.
- 5 Steps to Help You to Let Go and Finally Move On. Not being able to let go and move on can drag you back into pain, negativity and low self-esteem over and over again. In this bonus guide I share 5 steps that have helped me with this in my own life.
- 3 Steps to Stop Getting Stuck in Victim Thinking. In this guide I share how I've learned to handle and minimize one of my own most persistent and destructive habits.
Special Limited-Time Bonus: The Smart Social Skills Course (value $37)
If you join The Self-Esteem Course in the next 24 hours then you'll also get free life-time access to The Smart Social Skills Course.
This is a 12-week course - that I sell on my website for $37 - where you'll each week get a written guide, a worksheet and an audio guide.
A few of the most important things you'll learn in this course are how to:
- Be calmly confident and deep down feel like you truly trust yourself to be able to handle and be successful in for example meetings, job interviews and on dates.
- Overcome shyness and social nervousness so that you can have the inner freedom to create the social life you want.
- Not let rejection – or the fear of it – hold you back anymore or sting as much as it used to.
- Consistently make a great first impression and not get stuck in awkward silences in conversations.
- Simply feel less lonely and find more happiness, fun and enjoyment in both new and old relationships and in your daily conversations.
Try The Self-Esteem Course for a Full
90 days, 100% Risk-Free

If the powerful exercises, strategies and techniques in the Self-Esteem Course don’t work for you then I want you to email me and I’ll give you 100% of your money back.
With no hard feelings and no questions asked.
This guarantee lasts 90 days, which covers the full 12 weeks of the course. So you can try the ENTIRE course and then decide if it’s right for you.
Join the Self-Esteem Course Now
There is a time for a real change.
A time to start creating inner freedom and self-happiness so that you can live the life you really want. A time to grow, to start feeling good about yourself and to explore what you want deep down instead of holding yourself back.
If you like, that time can be today and right now. So let’s get started.
When you enroll in the digital and downloadable Self-Esteem Course, here’s what you’ll get via email:
- The 12 written weekly guides with the practical techniques, strategies and clear action-steps to take.
- The 12 worksheets with exercises to help you to better understand yourself and how to improve your own self-esteem.
- 12 audio guides you can listen to anywhere and anytime when you need a reminder or a boost during your day.
- The 9 extra bonuses, like the 60-page guide on improving your self-confidence and the workbook that goes with it.
- 2 for 1 bonus: The 12-week Smart Social Skills Course (value $37). Enroll in the next 24 hours and you'll also get this course that will help you to step by step improve your social confidence, create new relationships and strengthen old ones and handle difficult social situations in your daily life.
All this for just a one-time payment of $37
90 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
Add to Cart
P.S: I spent many years to get to where I am today.
I don’t want you to have to spend that much time struggling to find your way out of low self-esteem, squandered potential, often feeling down about yourself and your life or beating yourself up on a weekly basis like I did.
Instead, get a fresh start today.
Start to deep down feel like you truly trust yourself to be able to handle life and making the important decisions. Start growing and building your own self-esteem and life towards new and unexplored heights and horizons.
And remember, you have a 90 day, no questions asked money back guarantee so you can check out the Self-Esteem Course with no risk for you.
Copyright Henrik Edberg of the Positivity Blog.