Stop Stressing Today and Start Living the Happier and More Focused Life You Want

Did you ever have an opportunity that you didn’t go for because you got so stressed out that you froze in inaction?

Do you get wrapped up in stress about your work, finances and relationships way too often?

Do these thoughts and feelings sometimes almost make you ill or leave you tossing and turning in the middle of the night?

And do you feel that stress is holding you back from living up to your potential, being your best self or from fully enjoying a simple pleasure or a good moment in your day?

Well, being in such a place is of course not uncommon at all. I know it all too well.

From So Much Stress I Made Myself Sick to a Lighter and Happier Way of Living…

Let me tell you a bit about my story.

From my early twenties and up to about 10 years ago I used to get really stressed. Not all the time but still far, far too often.

I had trouble sleeping.

I had trouble winding down and just relaxing and was pretty much always “on” and ready to go.

I rushed between tasks. Multi-tasked all too often.

I tried to get things done as quickly as possible. But in the end I didn’t do a very good job and so I had to spend time on redoing things (which of course caused more stress).

I was stressed about getting things done in school.

And later on about being successful with my small business and about making ends meet moneywise.

I had low-level stress about being overweight and how that affected my health and my dating life.

And I was socially stressed about how my peers advanced while it felt like I was lagging behind in life or even standing still.

Sometimes all that stress gave me an upset stomach for weeks. At other times it gave me headache after headache.

It was no fun. It stole so much energy.

Until I one day - during a very prolonged and stressful business related crisis - had simply had enough.

I was sick and tired of all this stress wearing me, my body and life down (and worried about what it could lead to in the long run).

And I thought: “well, I really don't have a choice anymore, I have to find another way.”

So I did a whole lot of thinking, reading and experimenting for a few years.

And today is a different story.

  • Today I have a rock-solid daily routine with habits that are specifically selected to prevent stress from appearing in the first place. And for promoting inner stillness, a sharp focus and constructive optimism.
  • When I feel I'm starting to get stressed I know how to handle that in 1-2 minutes by using simple and powerful techniques that let me reduce or eliminate the stress, see the situation with clear eyes and take action to move forward but now in a more focused way.
  • Before the day is up I usually get more of what truly matters all the way to done than I used to in a week back when I was so stressed (and mostly used to multitask busywork). In the evenings and on weekends I'm able to fully relax and enjoy my time guilt-free. And sleep comes easy, I don't toss and turn in the middle of the night.

Introducing The Unstress Course

The Unstress Course is a digital and downloadable 10-week course.

In it I'll share only the best stuff I have discovered in the past 10+ years that helped me make this change and still helps me to this day.

It's a course that's all about step-by-step examining and understanding your own stress and replacing it with better and more helpful daily and weekly routines and habits.

So that you'll feel lighter, less anxious and be more successful in any part of your life.

Not someday. But starting today.

Many of the strategies and exercises in this program are things I’ve never even mentioned on The Positivity Blog or in the Positivity Newsletter before.

Here's what you'll get each week:

  • The written guide. This guide includes a section with just a few easy-to-follow action-steps to take that week. This is to make sure that things stay practical and that you move forward and make progress (even if it may sometimes be by just taking one or a few small steps).
  • The audio version of the written guide. Each week’s written guide as an audio session in MP3 format that you can listen to in your car, on the bus, while taking a walk or whenever you need help to calm down, find your focus and handle a stressful situation.
  • A worksheet. One worksheet per week in PDF format containing in many cases absolutely essential exercises to help you to better understand yourself, your own stress and how to improve upon your situation.

NOTE: You have two options when it comes to how you want the course delivered.

You can either get it in small, weekly parts via email. Or you can download the whole course today.

If you join you'll get an email with easy-to-follow instructions to access the course material in both of those ways.

"Briefly don’t disappoint!

Every week, we touched base with each other on your take away messages. The weekly recap was very helpful. We both found ourselves saying your catch phrases aloud during weak moments.

You are clear, concise, practical and contemporary! Thank you so much for helping both of us in our hectic lives. We are already reaping the benefits of taking the course. So, so many great pointers!"

- Karen and Jennifer A, course participants.

Here’s What You’ll Learn...

The Unstress Course is a 10-week program that will help you to handle, reduce or eliminate stress in your life.

Now, let me be more specific. The most important things you'll learn are how to...

  • Understand the 7 basic reasons for why we get stressed. So you can understand yourself better and where you need to put your attention.
  • Start your workday with a morning routine that only takes a couple of minutes but will reduce stressful distractions and situations to a minimum so that you can focus 100% on getting what truly matters done.
  • Use the same small, 3-step method I use to put a stop to or greatly reduce a stressful situation in about 2 minutes so that I can relax and fully put my focus and energy into what I want (and sometimes need) to do.
  • Put into action a very simple system for the crucial balance between doing fully focused work and having enough guilt-free time for rest and recharging. And by doing so you'll get more done with less stress.
  • Deal with one of my biggest stress factors in the past: financial stress. I'll show you 6 habits and strategies that have really helped me out with that and helps me to this day to keep stress about money to a minimum.
  • Find what truly matters to you in life by using two simple exercises that will help you to focus more of your time and energy towards that (and away from the things that honestly don't matter that much to you).
  • Use the one small habit I use pretty much every day to reduce the pressure on myself and to start moving forward (this one works even when I'm really stressed out or stuck in inaction or procrastination).
  • Get back into the driver's seat in your life and empower yourself daily by replacing victim thinking and similar self-defeating habits with something better.
  • Say no both to yourself and to other people. So you'll have less stress in your life and more energy, time and money for what you want.
  • Work through and overcome fears by using a step-by-step exercise that will help you to finally see the stressful situation that you're in and what you can do about it with clarity.
  • Stop being stuck in the social comparison trap where you always compare yourself to others and what they have (both on social media and in real life).
  • Handle two of the biggest stress factors in any kind of relationship. No matter if that's with a friend, at work or romantically.
  • Live your daily life in a more mindful way and a whole lot less in the future, past or in daydreams. You'll do so with the help of a handful of habits you can use anytime during your day (you won't need 45 minutes and a yoga mat for this to work).
  • Build a mental toolbox that will help you throughout the rest of your life. Not only to minimize stress. But also to handle fear, worries and anxiousness better (and help loved ones out with those things too).
  • Stop being stuck in the same old rut of stress and feeling like you don't have enough time and energy for what matters to you. And start living a lighter, happier and healthier life where you embrace who you deep down are and what YOU want out of your life.

"By following each week’s instructions I have been able to clearly identify and articulate stressful situations that I had only a vague and generalizes sense of before taking the course.

I use the helpful hints faithfully and am finding it has reduced my stress related to work and interpersonal relationships significantly.

It is a well-thought out and thorough course. I am very glad I am taking it and appreciate it very much."

- Michele W, course participant.

"I genuinely felt like you so accurately identified issues that I (and clearly others) have struggled with, and the steps that you suggested were manageable and easy to understand.

I completed the course in my summer holidays but I think it has helped my stress management and perspective so much for the start of the school term."

- Naomi C, course participant.

Special Bonus: The Art of Relaxed Productivity (value $27)

During this registration period you also get life-time access to one of my other downloadable programs.

The Art of Relaxed Productivity is one of my most popular ones - that I sell on my website for $27 - where you'll get a 98-page main guide, a workbook, a simple road-map, 4 audio guides and several other helpful bonuses.

And it complements The Unstress Course nicely as it will help you to continue to build the more centered and focused outlook and habits that will help you with your work, goals and dreams.

A handful of the most important things you'll learn are how to:

  • Use the 5-step method of setting goals in a way that works very well to find clarity and to move forward in life to new heights.
  • Boost your motivation and use simple techniques to pick yourself up from a motivational slump.
  • Get the stuff that is so boring that you usually procrastinate for days or weeks all the way to done.
  • Improve your self-discipline so that you keep moving towards what you want not just once in a while, but every day.
  • Change a habit more easily (and make that habit stick for life).

Advanced Edition Bonus

The Unstress Course is during this enrollment period available in two editions.

If you join the Standard Edition then you get access to everything in The Unstress Course + The Art of Relaxed Productivity as mentioned above.

If you join the Advanced Edition then you also get life-time access to...

The Simplicity Course (value $47)

The Simplicity Course is all about simplifying and finding inner peace in everyday life (while at the same time improving it).

And if you join the Advanced Edition then you'll get life-time access to this 6-module course.

In each of the modules - centered around topics like thought habits, social skills & relationships, fitness & health and your home - you'll find a written guide, a workbook and several audio guides.

A few of the most important things you'll learn in this course are how to:

  • Overcome destructive thought habits like overthinking, worrying and pessimism.
  • Handle email the simple way by using 5 easy steps.
  • Use a couple of essential habits that will keep both your home and your workspace clutter-free every day.
  • Practice 5 simple fundamentals that will help you to find inner stillness and peace in everyday life.
  • Avoid making 5 common relationship mistakes that can really overcomplicate life and cause much suffering.

Try The Unstress Course for a Full 90 days, 100% Risk-Free

If the powerful exercises, strategies and techniques in The Unstress Course don’t work for you then I want you to email me and I’ll give you 100% of your money back.

With no hard feelings and no questions asked.

This guarantee last 90 days, which covers the full 10 weeks of the course. So you can try the ENTIRE course and then decide if it’s right for you.

Join the Unstress Course -
Advanced Edition Now

There is a time to stop putting things off. A time for a real change.

A time to stop holding yourself back and to fully come alive. A time to start moving forward. To feel better. To grow. To explore and to shape your life the way you want it to be.

If you like, that time can be today and right now. So let’s get started.

When you enroll in the digital and downloadable Unstress Course - Advanced Edition, here’s what you’ll get via email:

  • The 10 written weekly guides with the practical techniques, strategies and clear action-steps to take.
  • The 10 worksheets with exercises to help you to better understand yourself and how to greatly reduce your stress.
  • 10 audio guides you can listen to anywhere and anytime when you need a reminder or help to handle stress during your day.
  • The Art of Relaxed Productivity (value $27). In this program you'll get a very useful follow-up to The Unstress Course as you for example learn about setting goals, sharpening your self-discipline and renewing your motivation.
  • The Simplicity Course (value $47). This 6-module course will help you to simplify and find inner peace in everyday life (while at the same time adding very helpful habits).

All this for just a one-time payment of $67

Get Instant Access

90 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
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Join the Unstress Course - Standard Edition

Enroll in the digital and downloadable Unstress Course - Standard Edition today and you’ll get instant access to this via email:

  • The 10 written weekly guides with the practical techniques, strategies and clear action-steps to take.
  • The 10 worksheets with exercises to help you to better understand yourself and how to greatly reduce your stress.
  • 10 audio guides you can listen to anywhere and anytime when you need a reminder or help to handle stress during your day.
  • The Art of Relaxed Productivity (value $27). In this program you'll get a very useful follow-up to The Unstress Course as you for example learn about setting goals, sharpening your self-discipline and renewing your motivation.

All this for just a one-time payment of $47

Get Instant Access

90 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
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P.S: I spent too many years of my life getting stuck in stress far too often. And so much time on slowly trying to change that.

I don’t want you to have to struggle the way I did.

Instead, get a fresh start today.

Finally stop letting stress steal so much energy, focus and your health from you and start moving forward towards what you truly want out of your life.

And remember, you have a 90 day, no questions asked and no hard feelings money back guarantee so you can check out the entire Unstress Course with no risk for you.

Standard Edition
  • The 10 weekly guides.
  • The 10 worksheets.
  • The 10 audio guides.
  • The Art of Relaxed Productivity (value $27).
Join the Standard Edition

Copyright Henrik Edberg of the Positivity Blog.